When we were pregnant with our first little baby, our 3 year old nephew told us that "we had a baby crocodile in my belly". Still healing from our miscarriage, we are praying for more "baby crocodiles"...

Friday, April 6, 2012

Third Beta...

Hey guys! I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while...My 6 year old niece and 3 year old nephew are visiting with us for the week for Spring Break. I'm very tired! I have learned that no matter what time they go to bed, they always wake up at the doopy crack of dawn...(7-7:30am). We have had a lot of fun swimming, going to the park, and tonight, we are going to Ikea for meatballs and play at Small Land.

So, I started spotting last weekend between my second and third beta (which was Monday). It really freaked the heck out of me. Having a miscarriage really makes you paranoid. So when the nurse called to tell me Monday my beta was 5000-something, I was really shocked. And thankful. I went for a early ultrasound on Wednesday. Twins!!!!! And we saw one fetal pole....Always have faith in God...He will surprise you!

Next ultrasound Wed., April 18th. We are praying soo hard for strong, healthy baby crocodiles, and a healthy pregnancy. God is soo good!!!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome news!!

    Bleeding don't always mean a MC. I bled/spotted up till I was 20/21 weeks...that's why a clerclage couldn't be put in sooner to hold my cervix together.

    Like you said, have faith!
