When we were pregnant with our first little baby, our 3 year old nephew told us that "we had a baby crocodile in my belly". Still healing from our miscarriage, we are praying for more "baby crocodiles"...

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


I broke down and bought some First Response Early Result pregnancy tests...(they were on sale at CVS, lol). Taking those things can really mess with your head during the 2WW until my first beta test (which is March 28th).

I am 4dp5dt. I let my curiosity get the best of me today, so I took one of the tests...it was positive!!! There is a definite, light, solid line showing positive. I still have a picture of the positive line from my cycle in December, and they look just the same. I am really shocked...I wasn't sure if I could get a positive test this early. What a blessing from God!!!

Thank you God for soo much for the hope you have given us, and continue to give us. Prayer works!!!!

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