When we were pregnant with our first little baby, our 3 year old nephew told us that "we had a baby crocodile in my belly". Still healing from our miscarriage, we are praying for more "baby crocodiles"...

Monday, March 26, 2012

Still Waiting...

...on my 1st beta test. It's on Wednesday. I just want to know already! I have been POASing, & the line keeps getting darker. God is good! We broke the news to our families and friends that if we are blessed with a healthy pregnancy this time, we aren't telling anyone until the second trimester (which I think would be around Memorial Day). It was sooo difficult to 'untell' everyone that had been told we were pregnant the first time after we had the miscarriage. My mother-in-law, God bless her, told just about everyone she knew, seriously. I explained to her why we aren't telling her, and she said she understood. We have a strained relationship (long story), so I try to avoid seeing her, because I just really don't want stress and conflict in my life. My DH can deal with her. :) If you leave me a message, I will be sure to pray for you in whatever you are facing. :)

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